Mr. Eagle Featured in Thomson Reuters

I was recently featured in the April 2018 edition of Westlaw published by Thomson Reuters. The article was entitled, “Win the battle, win the war: Cost-effective dispute resolution for small and midsize companies”.

The feature article explores in great detail an “… approach to evaluate claims and implement dispute resolution techniques – a ‘step’ approach…to resolve business disputes in a cost-effective way.”

Below is an excerpt from the publication:

For small and midsize companies, resolving disputes through the court system is often not cost-effective and can even be cost prohibitive. This is especially true if the amount in controversy is relatively modest.

Parties are often left with a Hobson’s choice — not pursuing a legitimate claim, settling a dubious one — which may feel more like a shakedown than a negotiation — or investing time and money that exceed the value of the claim to prevail in litigation. These are not great options.

As many lawyers have advised their clients, our justice system is often ill-equipped to resolve these disputes in a way that makes economic sense for the parties.

Click here to view the complete article as printed in Westlaw by Thomson Reuters.

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