Presumptive Alternative Dispute Resolution
Presumptive ADR, which in many cases will mean mediation, will bring a sea change in the way cases are litigated in New York State. On
The Crucial Prologue: Telling Your Story in the Pre-Mediation Statement
Co-authored with colleague Adam J. Halper, I am pleased to share this article written for New York Dispute Resolution Lawyer. Originally printed: NYSBA New York
Mr. Eagle Featured in Thomson Reuters
Bart Eagle was featured in the April 2018 edition of Westlaw published by Thomson Reuters. The article was entitled, “Win the battle, win the war:
The “New Normal” Across NYS Courts (A Work In Progress)
The “New Normal.” Are we there yet? No. But, most assuredly, we are heading there. Like all life and business in America and New York,
When the Numbers Are Not So High; Justice Nigh — Seeking Justice from an Imperfect Justice System
By Bart J. Eagle and Adam J. Halper Introduction Anyone who regularly practices in state or federal court knows that money figures prominently in howcases
The “New Normal.” Are We There Yet?
What does that mean for people who look to the courts to resolve disputes? The answer to that question is constantly evolving. What follows is
Published Articles
The “New Normal” Across NYS Courts (A Work In Progress)
The “New Normal.” Are we there yet? No. But, most assuredly, we are heading there. Like all life and business in America and New York,
The Crucial Prologue: Telling Your Story in the Pre-Mediation Statement
Co-authored with colleague Adam J. Halper, I am pleased to share this article written for New York Dispute Resolution Lawyer. Originally printed: NYSBA New York
Mr. Eagle Featured in Thomson Reuters
Bart Eagle was featured in the April 2018 edition of Westlaw published by Thomson Reuters. The article was entitled, “Win the battle, win the war: