
Why Attend Mediation?

“Should I attend a mediation? What is my role?” The answer to the first question is simple. Parties in most instances must attend a mediation. Court rules and mediation providers often require it, and it is certainly a best practice. Most mediators would not go forward without the parties in

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Parties in Dispute: Their Wants vs. Interests and Needs

In a mediation, after learning the basic facts and issues in dispute, the mediator will work to identify each party’s interests and needs; this is different than a party’s “wants.” If a party has not already focused on her interests and needs, the mediator will help her do so. In

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Divergent Perspectives Converge in Mediation

The parties have been at it for a while, without coming to an agreement. When is the mediation “over”? In any mediation, the parties and the mediator may view the give and take differently. From the parties’ standpoint, they may think it’s over as soon as they receive the first

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What Should I Look for in a Mediator?

When going forward in mediation, quite often the parties have the opportunity, at least in the first instance, of choosing the mediator. This raises some questions: What type of mediator are they looking for? What skills should the mediator have to best enable him or her to help the parties

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