
Exploring Depositions Within Discovery

“Discovery” is a word that frightens many litigants — what it means, the cost, and the time commitment that it will entail. The part of discovery that many litigants are most concerned about are “depositions” — being questioned by your adversary’s attorneys and challenged under oath. I

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Litigation: What’s Taking So Long? — (Part 2)

Does mediation take time, and can it cost money? Sure. But the amount of time invested by the parties, and the costs, pale significantly in comparison to the time and money that would be expended as the lawsuit moves forward. The potential benefits of meditation are enormous and, in most

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Litigation: What’s Taking So Long? — (Part 1)

“What’s taking so long?” This is a common question asked by clients as a lawsuit goes on and on, oftentimes for year after year.
Sometimes, the passage of time cannot be helped; neither the parties, the lawyers, nor the courts, acting independently, can make a case move faster.

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Presumptive Alternative Dispute Resolution

Presumptive ADR, which in many cases will mean mediation, will bring a sea change in the way cases are litigated in New York State. On May 14, 2019, New York State Chief Judge Janet DiFiore announced “a transformational move to advance the delivery and quality of civil justice in New

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The Importance of Simplicity (Part 1)

The facts underlying many disputes can be very simple. Others may be more complicated. In either case, when preparing a pleading, motion papers, or testimony for a court proceeding, the goal for the attorney and the client should be to tell a straightforward and compelling story, as simply as possible.

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Must I Go To Court?

Clients often ask whether or not they must go to court. As in many areas, there is a simple answer and a not-so-simple answer. The simple answer is: if you were named as a defendant in a case and were served with the complaint, you must go to court. If

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Life As An Open Book

In business today, it is commonplace for individuals to send numerous emails or texts during the course of the day, rather than one comprehensive, well thought-out and well written memorandum or letter – even one transmitted by email. Far too often, people have developed a habit of putting something in

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