In March 2022, Bart Eagle moderated a New York State Bar Association Dispute Resolution Section webinar entitled “Habits of Highly Effective Dispute Resolvers,” during which experienced mediators shared their experiences and suggestions on how to become better mediators and how to establish and grow a mediation practice.
In January 2021, at the New York State Bar Association Commercial and Federal Litigation Section’s Annual Meeting, Bart Eagle was a panelist for a program entitled “How Attorneys Can Use Court-Sponsored ADR Programs and Other Tools To Move Along Their Pandemic-Delayed Cases.” Introduced by then Chief Judge Janet DiFiore, the panel was moderated by John S. Kiernan, Esq., the chair of the New York Chief Judge’s Statewide Advisory Committee on Alternative Methods of Dispute Resolution, and included the Hon. Deborah A. Kaplan, Deputy Chief Administrative Judge of the New York City Courts; Hon. Norman St. George, former Administrative Judge, NYS Supreme Court, 10th Judicial District (Nassau County); Hon. James P. Murphy, Administrative Judge, NYS Supreme Court, 5th Judicial District (Syracuse); Lisa M. Courtney, Esq., Statewide ADR Coordinator for the NYS Unified Court System; and Yvonne R. Marin, Esq., Nassau County ADR Coordinator. Mr. Eagle described how mediation provides an opportunity to resolve a case expeditiously and cost-effectively, especially in light of the significant backlog in the courts due to the pandemic. Mr. Eagle also discussed the growing use of virtual mediations, which were conducted frequently during the pandemic, that Zoom has proven to be a particularly nimble platform for mediation, and that virtual mediations will likely continue after the pandemic, even after many mediations will again take place in person.
In May 2021, Bart Eagle, with Mark DiMichael, a partner at the accounting firm Citrin Cooperman & Company, LLC, presented a webinar for the CPA Academy entitled “Litigation Support Services that Can Be Provided by Forensic Accountants.”
In April 2021 and February 2021, Bart Eagle presented a Continuing Legal Education program for, respectively, the New York City Bar Association and the New York State Bar Association on the application of certain rules of the Commercial Division of the New York State Supreme Court to the general trial parts of the court.
On June 15, 2020, Bart Eagle moderated a New York State Bar Association webinar entitled “Mediation and Other ADR Alternatives in New York County Supreme Court – Where We Are Today and Where We Are Going.” The panelists included the Administrative Judge of New York County Supreme Court, Civil Branch, and other court administrators, discussed the design and implementation of ADR alternatives in New York County at a time when the Covid-19 pandemic created a backlog in the courts, resulting in a heightened need for the courts to provide litigants with the opportunity to resolve cases expeditiously, and the concomitant ability of the courts, mediators and others to conduct ADR virtually.
In January 2020, at the New York State Bar Association’s Dispute Resolution Section’s Annual Meeting, Bart Eagle moderated a panel entitled “Presumptive ADR in New York State Courts — Where We Stand,” — in which judges and court administrators discussed the implementation of Presumptive Alternative Dispute Resolution, which includes mediation, arbitration, and neutral evaluation, in New York State courts.
Mr. Eagle regularly serves as a facilitator of basic and advanced commercial mediation trainings offered by the New York City Bar Association and the New York State Bar Association and also mentors newly trained mediators.